Hyalite Lake

A few months ago, the hiking crew moseyed over to Hyalite Creek Trail. Our late-night camp spot was a bit better than the one on our Beehive Basin trip (i.e., not next to the pit toilet). Alas, we accidentally camped in a spot that we thought was for disbursed camping, but actually it turned out to perhaps just be someone else’s campsite.

Signs are really, really hard to read at 10:30 p.m.

To the lovely folks who unfortunately dealt with our loud whispers, overly-bright headlights, and noisy tent assembly at an unreasonable hour at night, our profuse apology.

Your dogs are terrific, by the way.

We made ourselves real scarce real early the following morning. Also, instead of driving to the trailhead, we decided the best course of action would be to backtrack to a gas station for some nibbles.

Despite our initial early-morning start, we found ourselves at the trailhead at the tender hour of 10:00. Or 11:00. It was definitely past 9:30.

Hyalite Trail is fabulous, by the way. And also covered in snow.


Unaware of the snow ahead.


We made it to the lake!



Through My Headphones
*Tightrope -LP
*Golden Dandelions -Barns Courtney
Never Let You Down -Barns Courtney

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